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I hate sitting by the phone waiting for a man to call, even if I’m married to him. I officially dread the sound of the phone ringing early on a Monday morning…this time it was Hubby calling me to say that he had been in a car accident. He’s fine. He was not at fault. But we’re not sure about his car…we’ll get the verdict from the insurance company’s assessment in a few days. It was not a good day for Hondas…not only was his Honda damaged, but so was the car belonging to the woman who pulled out in front of him. And as he was picking up his rental car, someone else came in, who had just crashed his…you guessed it, Honda! I’m glad I drive a Toyota!

Hubby asked me to stay home until he could call me back. Since I couldn’t get groceries (aww…), I spent 3 ½ hours putting together my devotional speech for tomorrow. I couldn’t procrastinate much longer!

It was a long wait, but unlike the other time I got an early Monday morning phone call from Big Guy saying he had been in an accident (and his car was totalled), I didn’t let my mind wander in a morose direction. Maybe it was because I confident in Hubby’s ability to navigate the paperwork and phone calls (this isn’t his first time…or second…or come to think of it, third…how many have there been?). Or maybe it was because he isn’t my “wittle boy” so far from home. He knew where to find me, and he found me around lunchtime when he showed up…in a rental car.

I hate car shopping…with Hubby (I’m sure the feeling is mutual). We have very different tastes – I like small cars and he doesn’t! I don’t care if it has interesting features, like heated mirrors or cruise control – as long as it gets me where I want to go in relative comfort, I’m good! I do care about colour but can get over it easily if the price is right! We agree – we need air conditioning – the Summer smog is pretty gross in the city and I travel a lot in the Summer, and sometimes get trapped on the highway for hours behind an accident or road construction. The big kicker is, of course, money. We don’t really have any…and we don’t like to borrow it! Call us crazy, but we’ve made it a rule not spend beyond our means. That means no credit card debt and therefore, no selling of our souls for consumer goods! We have a mortgage, but have worked hard to pay it down, especially when I was working (for a salary as opposed to now…I work, I just get paid in butterfly kisses)!

It did mean that Hubby and I enjoyed lunch together…fast food poutine (it had been a stressful day – don’t judge me!) in front of the TV show Canada’s Worst Driver. I’m extremely aware of the irony!