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Dear Diary – It’s hard to believe that I got to spend last week at my folks, and it’s not even summer! I feel very blessed.

We kept it simple and day by day, my mouth slowly healed. We passed the evenings with games, including Carcassonne, a tile building game with little wooden men. I think it was Mom that noticed first: she had lined up her troops in a Roman square, Youngest Son’s were arranged in a circle of monoliths, and mine…mine were a toppled pile of drunks.

Angus perked up too, but probably because Papa scratched his ears and slipped him carrots and freshly picked dandelion leaves. He even relaxed for cuddles.

We really enjoyed watching a group of hyperactive, fuzzy baby birds harassing their parents at the feeder.

Mom and I went shopping one afternoon, which was highly successful so we celebrated by sharing a tropical smoothie.

Imagine our disappointment when I got home and tried on the dress with the belt. We had purchased the belt separately and never thought to check for a size. So often, they are one-size fits all. Fortunately I would be accompanying her to an appointment the following afternoon to the city to the east, and she assured me she’d be fine to stop at the Mall to exchange it on the way home.

Only when we went to exchange it, they didn’t have the next size down.

The sales clerk kindly called the store (in the city to the west) and put it on reserve.

Since it was the Friday of a long weekend, we were happy to get back home. But I had a missed an important message from an old friend. We had transferred Youngest Son to my parents’ care almost 2 weeks earlier so he could apply at the very place where my friend works. But it turned out they weren’t hiring. My friend had messaged that I could bring him back that afternoon and he’d make sure Youngest Son filled out a proper application and he would see it was delivered into the right hands. No guarantee of a job but certainly a giant leap forward.

I immediately roared into action, barking out orders like a sergeant: “Get dressed! Brush your hair! Get your resume! Shoes, now!” I knew Youngest Son knew all these things. They were pretty obvious. I was just so excited that this could be the answer to our prayers.

A real summer job.

We were both nervous as we strolled down the center aisle toward the lumber department, shoulder to shoulder top of my head. We stood patiently while several employees in red shirts dealt with customers around the desk. “Application?”, an older gentleman asked, and smiled kindly.

So while Youngest Son set to work filling out the long application, I lurked wandered the store. I took photos of light fixtures to show Hubby and mirrors to show Mom. I also snapped a photo of this, but failed to communicate my intense need desire to him to have this in my crappy back yard.

I think one of the sales guys was flirting with me and honestly, I was flattered. It’s nice to know you might still have “it”…if you ever needed “it”. Or I could be completely wrong and he was just happy to have someone friendly to joke around with at the end of a long week.

Best of all, I ran into an old friend from high school, who is just a slightly older version of the girl I knew. It was so fun to catch up!

Youngest Son was beaming (and shaking his tired hand) when he finally finished, but mentioned he was missing his co-op supervisor’s phone number. Not a problem! To his astonishment, I had it in my cell phone. Yes, baby, I’m that good! I made him add it to the application. He shook my friend’s hand and we ventured forth feeling good.

So good, in fact, that I took him to Tim’s Horton’s, where I ordered a cup of tea and left him to do it all over again.

Apply, that is!

The next day, the whole family went west to the Mall to pick up my new belt. The trip can be summed up in a few words: brain fart & brain freeze.

Mom and I left the guys to their own devices, which in retrospect was a dumb thing to do. With card in hand, we went straight to cash and the store did indeed set it aside. I tried the belt on, sliding my purse, now on the floor, to the side. The belt was still too big. I grabbed my purse and Mom and we looked in several other stores but with no success. I needed the belt to cover the poorly placed fabric pattern at the waist. Mom suggested I learn how to do macrame and make my own.

Maybe I will.

We met the guys and walked through the Game store where they’d been making nuisances of themselves shopping, and headed to A&W for root beer. Plans changed in the car and we headed to Tim’s instead. It was a good thing! Standing in line at Tim’s, I realized I couldn’t use my points card because my wallet was not in my purse. I had set it, along with my debit card, on the ledge of the cash in the first store to try on the belt. And left it behind.

Brain Fart!

I ran outside to call the store.

It was there.

I tried to enjoy my cup of tea and timbits, but I was very anxious to have my identification (and cash if there was any) back in my possession. The greatest distraction was a painful one (but not for me). Mom decided to try an Ice Cap. Brain Freeze!

I’m not sure what the moral of this long and boring story is but I feel like there’s one in there some place. Maybe it is this: stop rushing! Keep your wallet secure until you need it. And finally, sip slowly and enjoy the company.

Hubby and I celebrated Victoria Day with a bite at Tim’s and a walk in the park. We both griped about the environment-lovers in their E-SUVs, idling for half an hour in the parking lot, air-conditioning blasting.

I’ve been back in my own home for almost a week, restoring order after my dental woes sidelined me. I got the “all clear” from the dentist. I don’t have to go back until September.

Yesterday I restocked the fridge and cupboards. The only hiccup was when my friend offered to get my bread sliced at the bakery. She left me with both carts, standing like a dummy in the middle of the store for more than 10 minutes. I even texted her to see if she got lost. She was waiting for the bakery lady to package carrot cake!

I cooked the turnip Hubby bought when he shopped for himself. It was the size of my head and we’ll be eating turnip for at least a week. I’m behind on my New Year’s resolution to try a new recipe a week, so I made a simple lemon vinaigrette to go on a garden salad.

My house looks a little less like it has been occupied by hobos.

The garden continues to be a losing battle and I didn’t get any shots of my lilac tree.

Last night we had a tornado warning. Red and purple on the radar map is never good, but while rain pelted the window and the wind gusted, the only damage was ripping off any remaining blossoms. I’ll have to try again next year. The rain didn’t clean the windows sufficiently so I’ll have to do it (even though a robin just bounced off one…and the blinds are down. He’s Ok)!

Cheers, dear Diary, to another okay week!

There’s a roof up above me, I’ve a good place to sleep
There’s food on my table, and shoes on my feet
You gave me your love, Lord, and a fine family
Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me.

– Jeff & Sheri Easter, Thank you Lord for Your Blessings on Me