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If you were hoping for a serious post – tune in tomorrow, because today I am looking for suggestions. A year ago, I decided I needed a sassy hair-do to go with my sassy green boots and mid-life crisis…and for the last year I have procrastinated and agonized about what to do – short, long, pink? I have never known what to do with my hair – it’s brown and boring – and I’m getting desperate (or I wouldn’t be soliciting advice here, right?). If only the ’80’s BIG Hair would come back…I could totally rock that “do”!

Here’s the current style (a very unflattering shot) – any serious suggestions?? My hair appointment (yes, I took the initiative to book an appointment where I can get a haircut that costs more than $15) is Wednesday morning. Otherwise, it’ll just be a “grin-and-trim” for another year!

Christmas hairThanks!!